Completely Dry your body without stepping out of the shower. Stay warm in your shower - but don't reach for a towel.
Tornado Body Dryer is a high-tech engineered dryer. It is more than a gigantic hair dryer. The dryer moves are evenly from the top to the bottom, surrounding you in a blanket of swirling warm air to dry your entire body - front, back and sides no matter which way you sit or stand.
Using a single simple small bracket, the Tornado Body Dryer easily attaches to the wall in the shower or tub. It need not be built into a wall, which can require expensive wall demolition and construction. This also means the Tornado Body Dryer can esily be removed in order to take it to your next home whenever you move from one location to another.
Individuals with limited mobility and dexterity find it difficult to towel dry. Because of the patented air flow design, wheelchair users find that they do not have to rotate their chair around in the shower. The swirling air reaches all body areas even when the chair remains stationary, drying both the person and the wheelchair. The Tornado Body Dryer is listed on the Federal Governments AbleData database as an "Assistive Technology" and many times can be prescribed to a patient by their physician.
Veterans: The Tornado Body Dryer has been approved by the VA for qualified veterans applying for Adapted Housing Grants.