Commercial Restroom Mirrors
Mirrors in the restroom are an important feature to most all commercial restrooms. Patrons want to check their appearance and do minor grooming or make-up touch ups.
ADA Guidelines for Mounting Mirrors
If your commercial restroom is required to follow ADA guidelines, you must mount your mirrors at a certain height. The mounting height differs whether you mount over sink or on the wall. The maximum mounting height from the floor to the bottom of the reflective surface is 35" max. The mounting height for a mirror mounted over sinks or counters is 40". It is recommended to mount a full length mirror on an adjacent wall as this mirror can be used by more individuals including children and it makes the mirror mount in the restroom ADA compliant. Another way to make the mirror height ADA compliant is to mount a tilt mirror.
Tilt Mirrors
Tilt mirrors are basic mirrors that tilt slightly downward from the wall to allow someone in a wheelchair to be able to see their reflection in the mirror. A tilt mirror is very useful in a facility that has many wheelchair users. Check with your local building codes to determine if you need to use an ADA compliant Tilt Mirror.
Restroom Mirrors
Most commercial restroom mirrors can be ordered in various sizes and even custom sizes to fit your restroom needs. If you are installing a restroom mirror to meet ADA guidelines make sure you are measuring from the bottom of the reflective part of the mirror and not the mirror frame when determining mounting height.
Multi-Purpose Mirrors
Multi-Purpose mirrors usually consist of mirror, shelf and paper towel dispenser. These are a great solution for commercial restrooms that are tight on wall space to hang a paper towel dispenser. Some can be recessed into the wall or surface mounted.